
Showing posts from September, 2019

PHP in decline: The rise and fall of a programming language - Arudhra Innovations

Project Center Kumbakonam - Arudhra Innovations PHP in decline: The rise and fall of a programming language Once upon a time, PHP was one of the most popular programming languages. Now it’s slowly fading in popularity, especially with the rise of languages such as Python. According to the TIOBE Index for September 2019, PHP is struggling to keep its spot in the top 10 programming languages. Is it time to lower the casket, or does this language have some kick left in it? PHP continues its ‘five year slump‘ as it slowly continues dropping down the TIOBE Index. The TIOBE Index for September 2019 shows that in the past year, PHP dropped two spots down the list, from number 7 to number 9. As for rising languages, this month Apache Groovy comes in at spot number 11. Compared to last year when it was at modest spot number 34, this is a large amount of growth for the language. Groovy shares some similarities with Java, making it easy for Java devs to learn a...

GitHub security alerts now support PHP projects - Code Shoppy

Project Center Kumbakonam - Code Shoppy GitHub security alerts now support PHP projects Since the Dependency Graph feature is intertwined with the Security Alerts (Vulnerability Alerts) feature, this also means GitHub users will also be eligible to receive automatic security alerts for any vulnerabilities that crop up in the dependencies of their PHP projects. HOW SECURITY ALERTS WORKS The Security Alerts feature is one of GitHub's most useful services. It works by (GitHub) scanning the dependency tree (generated by the Dependency Graph feature) for a user's project. The scanner looks at the dependency's name and version number and compares it to a list of known vulnerabilities that GitHub pools from various sources. If GitHub finds a vulnerability in any of the dependencies, the Security Alerts feature warns the project owner through various methods, such as: A banner in the GitHub interface Web notifications on the GitHub domain Email notificat...

An application using Android Capstone Project - Code Shoppy

Final year Students Project Center Kumbakonam - Code Shoppy An application using Android Capstone Project  SQLite is the database system used in this capstone project application for storing data. Output generated by the application is retrieved from SQLite. Location based services are used to pin point the user location and show the route to be followed from the source to destination point. Java is used to program the application and the user interface is created using Extensible Markup Language. The android provides structured data persistence through a combination of SQLite databases and content providers. A. Sqlite Database: SQLite is an open-source, light-weight and relational database management system. In android software stack it is included as compact C library.  Each android application separately includes sqlite database which reduces external dependencies, minimizes latency...


Best Android PHP Project Center Kumbakonam - Code Shoppy ANDROID SECURITY MECHANISM AND ENCRYPTION SERVICE A. Security model  Android uses a layered system architecture, which consists of the Linux kernel layer, the hardware abstraction layer, the system runtime library layer, the application framework layer and the application layer [4]. Figure 1 shows the architecture of Android. Android is based on the Linux operating system kernel, which implements the core functions of hardware device driver, process and memory management, network protocol stack, power management and so on. In addition, Android also increased the number of mobile devices for specific functions, such as Low Memory Killer, Ashmem (Anonymous Shared Memory), and Binder.  These enhancements to help further the Androids memory management, inter process communication (IPC) and other aspects of security. Android mechanism al...

Design of ABCA - Code Shoppy

Android Project Center Kumbakonam - Code Shoppy Design of ABCA  ABCA-instrumentor (ABCAI) ABCAI runs with Soot1[2] which is capable of converting Java bytecode to an intermediate representation called a Jimple program. A Jimple program roughly corresponds the original Java source program in control and invocation structures. In the instrumentation stage, ABCAI uses Soot for the following tasks. After that, ABCAI uses Soot to convert the instrumented Jimple program back to an instrumented APK bytecode and saves it in the PC. Statement coverage We employed a Soot method: getJavaSourceStartLineNumber() that returns the Java source code line number of each Jimple statement. With this method, we have precise knowledge of the set of statement lines in the Java source code. Statement coverage is then reported as the percentage of executed statement lines in this set.  Then ABCAI inserts...

ABCA: Android Black-box Coverage Analyzer - Code Shoppy

Project Center Kumbakonam - Code Shoppy ABCA: Android Black-box Coverage Analyzer To manage test projects of application under test (AUT) on Android devices, coverage analysis tools for test ade-quacy are still urgently needed. As in other platforms, code coverage is a relatively convincing criterion for confidence that no obvious component part is left untested. With the help of Soot library, we developed a tool, called Android Black-box Coverage Analyzer (ABCA) that can produce source code coverage report on AUT execution while the source code of the AUT is actually not available.  Given an Android application package (APK) file (in bytecode), ABCA inserts commands into the APK file to dump cover-age data on executed classes, method names, and source code statements. After exerting a test case on the instru-mented AUT on an Android device, we can then run ABCA in a PC to collect code coverage data of ...

Exploring the Malicious Android Applications - Code Shoppy

Best Project Center Kumbakonam - Code Shoppy Exploring the Malicious Android Applications Android plays a vital role in the today’s market. According to recent survey placed nearly 84.4% of people stick to android which explosively become popular for personal or business purposes. It is no doubt that the application are extremely familiar in the market for their amazing features and the wonderful benefits of android applications makes the users to fall for it. Android imparts significant responsibility to application developers for designing the application with understanding the risk of security issues. When concerned about security, malware protection is a major issue in which android has been a major target of malicious applications . In android based applications, permission control is one of the major security mechanisms. In this project, the permission induced risk in application, and the fundamentals of the android security architecture are explored, and ...

Reducing Risk using Static Analysis in Android Applications- Arudhra Innovations

Best Project Center Kumbakonam - Arudhra Innovations Malicious Android Applications and Reducing Risk using Static Analysis On a recent survey [17], as reported on Wikipedia, the Google play store has nearly 1billion application where the increase in usage of android apps increases day by day. The android is open source were the people getting moved to the application.  The android operating system and its apps play a vital role in the today’s world .So the focal target is towards attacking them. The threat has caused great rise in the malware1 , chargeware2 , and adware3 [7]. So, various analyses and research have been made to find better results on the malware detection and new technique involving the higher detection rate and accuracy.  The main issue is when concerned with android its security, apparently the main cause is the malware.  Earlier the malware detection was through ...

An Android Application for Self-Care with Healthy Food -Arudha Innovations

Best Project Center for College Students - Arudhra Innovations Kumbakonam   An Android Application for Self-Care with Healthy Food  Recently, there are many people who ignore health concerns especially in their eating habits. This has made the number of diseases found in society, especially noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) such as diabetes, hypertension, and cancer drastically increase every year. The number of patients having these diseases, could be reduced by paying more attention to the food that they eat and nutrition that they receive. Accordingly, the researchers would like to propose FoodForCare, an Android application for self-care with healthy food. The main purpose is to help users have better eating habits and a healthier lifestyle. FoodForCare provides functions for users to keep their daily personal health and food records of food intake. The users can see an analysis of nutrition and calories per day and whether it is sufficient or not. This appli...

CSLA – An application using Android Capstone Project - Arudhra Innovations

Android & PHP Project Center Kumbakonam - Arudhra Innovations CSLA – An application using Android Capstone Project  This paper presents the class and staff Locator Application (CSLA) using Android Capstone Project. Locating staff and class room for the students in school, colleges or universities is a challenging task. CSLA helps to locates staff and class room based on the time table data provided to the application. As such, the application will save time of students during the study hours. Currently, this locator application is being tested at Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College (GNDEC), Ludhiana for use in future. With the convergence of traditional computers and mobile telephony, the new smart devices capable of running customized applications have been on the rise. These smart devices uses Android (the first comprehensive open source operating system) equipped with Dalvik virtual machine and Linux kernel. It is a platform that allows developers to devel...

Android kernel with China standard cryptographic algorithm - Arudhra Innovations

Project Center in Kumbakonam - Arudhra Innovations Android kernel with China standard cryptographic algorithm  With the rapid development of mobile intelligent terminal, an increasing number of mobile phones operating systems also came into being. Android system has become one of the most popular device operating systems, which prolongs its attention. Considering the legal requirement in communication security, the Android kernel encryption mechanism for analysis and summary of the Android kernel based on the China standard cryptographic algorithm security transformation. By adding the China standard cryptographic algorithm SM2/SM3/SM4 in the AOSP (Android Open Source Project) to replace the encryption algorithm in the Android 7.0 system, provides confidentiality and integrity protection, and improves the system’s encryption performance. And promote the application of domestic password algorithm. In recent years, with the rapid development of mobile Internet...

A Learning Media Application On Android Operating System - Arudhra Innovations

Best Project Center Kumbakonam - Arudhra Innovations A Learning Media Application On Android Operating System “I am in ASEAN” is a learning media application developed on Android operating system. It was developed for children and youths to get a better understanding of the 10 member countries in ASEAN Community; i.e. Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam and Philippines. This application is easily comprehensible format. User can use and learn about ASEAN and feel more confident of knowing the ASEAN community. The ASEAN community [2] including Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam and Philippines indicates the power of regional collaboration among Southeast Asian countries. As each country have its own culture, beliefs, history and way of life and being a part of ASEAN does not change these differences.

Arudhra Innovations - Thrifty textbook shopping & Other Apps - Project Center in Kumbakonam

 Thrifty textbook shopping -  Project Center in Kumbakonam Buying textbooks hits your bank account hard at the beginning of the year. Don't even think about how little you'll get when you return them. Fortunately, your schedule usually tells you what books you'll need. (Pro tip: If you wait to purchase your books, you might luck out on the first day and your professor will say you don't need to buy it.) If you do have to buy textbooks, exhaust all options before shelling out campus bookstore prices. Check out the book section on Chegg. You can rent or buy physical copies or e-books of the book you need for a fraction of the cost you'd pay on campus. Just make sure it's the right edition of the book. You can also sell old textbooks on Chegg and it has free shipping. Depending on what you're looking for, you might have luck on eBay if you search for "college textbooks." Amazon also offers textbooks for sale or rent -- it's a bit mor...

Stay organized with Google - Project Center Kumbakonam - Arudhra Innovations

 Stay organized with Google - Project Center Kumbakonam I'm a fan of pen and paper to keep track of all my to-dos, but Google Tasks  helps keep everything a bit neater (and saves trees). If you have a Gmail account, Google Tasks is honestly a to-do list maker's dream. You can make as many lists as you want and add subtasks to any items. In addition, you can add details like dates or times. It's easy to switch between lists and check off anything you've done. Google Calendar can sync to your iPhone or Android phone, which is extra helpful if you need to plan a busy day. It's also a great planner to set up your class schedule and then put reminders for 15 or 30 minutes ahead of time to get notifications on your phone. If you use Gmail, you can open the widget to see all your upcoming events from a web browser on your laptop. You can assign deadlines different colors to correspond with ...

Flipd: Best app for focusing and unplugging - Arudhra Innovations

Flipd: Best app for focusing and unplugging - Arudhra Innovations Many college students know the siren call of social media all too well. Open the app to check a notification and all of a sudden you're scrolling through random cat memes an hour later. If you're using your phone to help you study,  it's wise to take precautions against getting sucked into Facebook, Instagram and other social media. There are multiple apps you can use to "unplug." You can also explore your phone's built-in digital wellness tools. I recommend Flipd to help you stay off your phone. You can "casually lock" your phone for studying (one hour), work, sleeping, a whole day, three days or set a custom time. If you close out of the lock before the timer is up, Flipd lowkey shames you for "giving up." If you absolutely can't stay away from social media, you can choose to take a brea...