An application using Android Capstone Project - Code Shoppy

Final year Students Project Center Kumbakonam - Code Shoppy

An application using Android Capstone Project 

College Students Project Center Kumbakonam - Code Shoppy

SQLite is the database system used in this capstone project application for storing data. Output generated by the application is retrieved from SQLite. Location based services are used to pin point the user location and show the route to be followed from the source to destination point. Java is used to program the application and the user interface is created using Extensible Markup Language. The android provides structured data persistence through a combination of SQLite databases and content providers.

A. Sqlite Database: SQLite is an open-source, light-weight and relational database management system. In android software stack it is included as compact C library. Each android application separately includes sqlite database which reduces external dependencies, minimizes latency and simplifies transaction locking and synchronisation of application. It is stored in databases folders on android devices or emulators [8].

B. Content Values and Cursors: Content values are used to store values that content resolver can process. Put method is used to store data using content value. Cursor represents the results returned by the database query. It points to first row of the query result [8]. Move to First method is used for moving cursor to first result returned by query. MovetoNext and MovetoPrevious methods are used to move cursor to next row and previous row. GetCount method is used for returning total number of rows. GetColumnName method is used for returning name of the specified column index.

C. Location Based Services: Location based services enable user to find the current location of the device. These services use longitude and latitude for the precise geographic location of device. The map library is used to convert the longitude and latitude values into street address which users can understand easily. Location based services include Maps, MapActivity and Location based API which are used to show the location on the map. Map View is used to display a view of map. MapActivity is used for controlling MapView. Location based API is used to get user's current position and display that location on map. Location Manager class is used to get the coordinate values.

The application has two modules: ‘locate class’ and ‘locate staff’. Branch, academic year, section, day and time are independent variables of the locate class module. These variables are also input data to the application. Spinner widget is used for selecting year, branch section, day and time picker widget is used for selecting time. After entering all the details by the user, data is retrieved from the Sqlite database. Retrieved data is shown in the list view as an output for the user. ‘Click to show Map’ button is used to show the path from source to destination on the Google maps.  

Input data by the user is added in the intent class which is used in android to transfer data from one activity to another. PutExtra function is used for adding data and getStringExtra function is used for retrieving data in the intent class. In the next step, the DataBaseHelper class is created where the function for addition and retrieval of data from database is defined. An object calls the function in the DataBaseHelper class to retrieve the data rawQuery method in called function is used for retrieving data. It executes the provided sql statement and stores all the data in Cursor. Data stored in cursor is added to ArrayList which is returned by function. Returned data is checked whether it is empty or not. If it is empty it shows the output as “No Data Available” otherwise it shows the output as class room number and Location of the class in the ListView.

D. Describing Time-Table Data Time table data for student and staff of all branches of GNDEC is used in this application. Data for student and staff consist of dependent and independent variables as listed in table 1 and table 2 respectively. Table 1 and Table 2 respectively gives the list of all the variable names and types for staff locator and class module used in the application. The dependent variable (DV) represent the outcome of the application that tells the room number and location of room. The independent variables (IV) represent the input given to the application.


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