An Android Application for Self-Care with Healthy Food -Arudha Innovations

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An Android Application for Self-Care with Healthy Food 
Arudhra Innovations College Students Project Center Kumbakonam

Recently, there are many people who ignore health concerns especially in their eating habits. This has made the number of diseases found in society, especially noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) such as diabetes, hypertension, and cancer drastically increase every year. The number of patients having these diseases, could be reduced by paying more attention to the food that they eat and nutrition that they receive. Accordingly, the researchers would like to propose FoodForCare, an Android application for self-care with healthy food. The main purpose is to help users have better eating habits and a healthier lifestyle. FoodForCare provides functions for users to keep their daily personal health and food records of food intake. The users can see an analysis of nutrition and calories per day and whether it is sufficient or not. This application can give an overview on food calories and nutrition so that they can eat wisely. Finally, the development of this application hopes to help Thai people in order to manage their total nutrition and calories taken for a healthier lifestyle and will directly decrease the number of people who are getting diseases caused from a disorder of food and nutrition.

Nowadays, the majority of people do not pay attention to food that they eat due to a lack of time and ignorance of health conditions. However, health care especially with food topics tends to have an influence on some groups of healthy people in society. Food causes the body to gain nutrition and is essential to life. Healthy food is important for the system inside the body because the food choices each day affect the health condition. Good nutrition is an important part of leading a healthy lifestyle [1]. In addition to healthy food, self-care is another action of humans that can cause a healthy lifestyle [2]. People can take care of themselves by using the knowledge of self-care, which means that they should learn to control, deliberate and selfinitiate the food consumed and calories burned each day. Especially for patients, self-management is very important and crucial for them to get rid of their illness. Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) [3] are the diseases that are not caused by bacteria or infection through touching or carriers, but are caused by the result of lifestyle and the risky behaviors in eating. NCDs have become the number one cause of deaths in Thailand with more than 300,000 fatalities each year [4]. NCDs consist of Diabetes Mellitus, Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Diseases, Cancer, Hypertension, Obesity, etc. Thus, people would be able to have a healthy life without diseases and reduce the risk of NCDs if they usually exercise and eat nutritional food daily. 

Recently, technology devices such as smart phones and tablets have an impact on everyday lives. The significant growth is a mobile application often used every day. Lately, many people tend to use a mobile phone instead of a personal computer. Android is one of the most popular operating systems in the world. Especially in Thailand, Android has the highest proportion of Thai mobile operating system market share [5]. Hence, the researchers use this opportunity to make use of all of this information by creating an application on Android mobile devices. Therefore, FoodForCare is developed to support users, especially patients with NCDs diseases, to record their eating habits. Also, analyze nutrition and calories each day for users to be able to maintain their food intake and heal their ill health condition. The list of food in the application was got from various books such as healthy food [6][7], food for diabetic patients [8][9], and food that use to prevent from diseases [10]. Lastly, the researchers would like to encourage people to pay more attention to the food that they eat. According to the statement "We are what we eat" refers to people having a healthy well-being with the food that they eat everyday.  

Tn conclusion, our project aims to introduce the idea of selfcare with healthy food by having an android application that help improved eating habit of people to be better. FoodForCare plays a role as an application that provides user with features such as record food intake, analysis of calories consumed, body measurement based on calculation of user's BMR, etc. That means, user could know his body measurement status, calories consumed in each day, and learned to aware or maintain with the consequence. All in all, the application could help reduce the number of patients who get the diseases from eating disorder and change behavior of people to have a healthier eating habit. 


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