Flipd: Best app for focusing and unplugging - Arudhra Innovations

Flipd: Best app for focusing and unplugging - Arudhra Innovations

Many college students know the siren call of social media all too well. Open the app to check a notification and all of a sudden you're scrolling through random cat memes an hour later. If you're using your phone to help you study, it's wise to take precautions against getting sucked into Facebook, Instagram and other social media.

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There are multiple apps you can use to "unplug." You can also explore your phone's built-in digital wellness tools. I recommend Flipd to help you stay off your phone. You can "casually lock" your phone for studying (one hour), work, sleeping, a whole day, three days or set a custom time. If you close out of the lock before the timer is up, Flipd lowkey shames you for "giving up." If you absolutely can't stay away from social media, you can choose to take a break and Flipd will remind you to come back periodically. You can download the app on iOS or Android.

Loans and scholarships 

Long before you graduate, the lenders are prodding you about how you plan to pay back your loans. It's never too soon to start keeping an eye on the debt you're racking up in the name of higher education. While you'll be able to access your loan information online, most of the lending companies, such as Navient and Sallie Mae, have mobile apps.
While on the topic of loans, it won't hurt to see if you can avoid them as much as possible. That's where Scholly comes in to find you the perfect scholarship. In addition, the app keeps track of your application status, totals and deadlines, and gives you tips to nail that essay. The app is available on Android and iOS.



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