Android REST APIs : Volley vs Retrofit
Android REST APIs : Volley vs Retrofit
In the old days, networking in Android was a nightmare. Nowadays the problem is to find out which solution fits better the project’s necessities. Therefore, almost every Android applications use a Web REST API for data transfer.Previously, developers preferred to write their own code to retrieve and analyze data. However, they now have a whole range of REST client libraries, which can speed up development by reducing the coding efforts, and efficiently analyze data. The REST (Representational State Transfer) has become the most commonly used way for creating, publishing, and consuming Web services, exploiting JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) as adata exchange format. Android Volley and Retrofit are the most used libraries for accessing the REST Web APIs today.
Code Shoppy
Mobile Applications (apps) are defined as softwares that can be installed and executed on mobile devices like smart phones, and personal digital assistance (PDA). Mobile applications continue to emerge as a powerful and universal service delivery channel enabling companies to offer consumers a variety of products and services [1]. Indeed, the rapid advancement of mobile technology and the subsequent service innovation deriving from it is leading many companies to develop relations with consumers through mobile applications [2]. In addition, with lower prices of mobile devices with higher memory size and longer battery life have all resulted in a surge in usage of mobile phone and application services [3]. The increasing development platforms for apps represent a major revolution in software development. Rather than hardware or software firms managing the majority of software development, third-party developers now play a substantial role in industries. On that point, some research was focalized on the use of apps. The authors in [4] present a study exploring the factors that lead towards the decision to uninstall mobile application and cause smaller life cycle for the app. The study reveals factors concerning user behavior as well as describing app features, as responsible for the decline in app life cycle. In other context, a data clustering techniques to predict temporal characteristics of data consumption behavior of different mobile applications via wireless communications proposed in [5]. The authors exploit mobile application usage logs provided by a Wi-Fi local area network service provider to characterize temporal behavior of mobile applications. Specifically, “what” types of mobile applications users’ access and “when” users access them
In the old days, networking in Android was a nightmare. Nowadays the problem is to find out which solution fits better the project’s necessities. Therefore, almost every Android applications use a Web REST API for data transfer.Previously, developers preferred to write their own code to retrieve and analyze data. However, they now have a whole range of REST client libraries, which can speed up development by reducing the coding efforts, and efficiently analyze data. The REST (Representational State Transfer) has become the most commonly used way for creating, publishing, and consuming Web services, exploiting JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) as adata exchange format. Android Volley and Retrofit are the most used libraries for accessing the REST Web APIs today.
Code Shoppy
Mobile Applications (apps) are defined as softwares that can be installed and executed on mobile devices like smart phones, and personal digital assistance (PDA). Mobile applications continue to emerge as a powerful and universal service delivery channel enabling companies to offer consumers a variety of products and services [1]. Indeed, the rapid advancement of mobile technology and the subsequent service innovation deriving from it is leading many companies to develop relations with consumers through mobile applications [2]. In addition, with lower prices of mobile devices with higher memory size and longer battery life have all resulted in a surge in usage of mobile phone and application services [3]. The increasing development platforms for apps represent a major revolution in software development. Rather than hardware or software firms managing the majority of software development, third-party developers now play a substantial role in industries. On that point, some research was focalized on the use of apps. The authors in [4] present a study exploring the factors that lead towards the decision to uninstall mobile application and cause smaller life cycle for the app. The study reveals factors concerning user behavior as well as describing app features, as responsible for the decline in app life cycle. In other context, a data clustering techniques to predict temporal characteristics of data consumption behavior of different mobile applications via wireless communications proposed in [5]. The authors exploit mobile application usage logs provided by a Wi-Fi local area network service provider to characterize temporal behavior of mobile applications. Specifically, “what” types of mobile applications users’ access and “when” users access them
Based this revolution, The OCAD University has published a report [6] concerning the Mobile Innovation in service and its industrial applications. The team explains the important role that mobile technologies play in increasing the competitively of industrial companies. For this purpose, companies must focus on acquiring and developing better marketing skills using mobile applications. They should explore avenues to obtain additional real-time data and information to inform their decision-maker. With the growing number of smartphone users around the world, the best thing to do is to have a mobile application strategy that can acclimate the service or product to this growing market. Recently, any web application it is expected to have a version of the mobile application, and we cannot always rely solely on responsive design. The case of having a web and a mobile app has several complications; one of them is the need for a standardized and centralized way to store data from the web and mobile. To avoid redundancy, we can save development time by creating a storage layer once, as an API, and reuse it with multiple application versions. The only variation would be the presentation of the application. Whether on the web, iOS, android or any other OS, we only need a way to communicate with our API and we well have your centralized data storage. Fortunately, there are libraries that support launching and running concurrent programs in the background in separate threads, network caching, and other features that significantly clean up network code. In this paper we present a comparative study between Volley [7, 8] and Retrofit [9], which are both great networking libraries for modern Android apps, but each has its own strengths that are worth weighing for critical projects. The first library we studied is Volley, a networking library developed by Google. It is currently used in most applications developed by Google engineers. The other library we reviewed is Retrofit, which is a simple and a light library for Android developed by Square
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