Propagation Modeling in Large-Scale Cooperative Multi-Hop Ad Hoc Networks
Online Movie Ticket Booking Project App Propagation Modeling in Large-Scale Cooperative Multi-Hop Ad Hoc Networks In this paper, a strip-shaped multi-hop ad hoc network is analyzed using a spatial Poisson pointprocess (PPP) and stochastic geometry. The decode-and-forwardprotocol is considered for transmission overthe multi-hop network where cooperative communications is employed at each hop. An analytical expressionfor the probability density function of the received power at an arbitrary node is derived, given a set of nodestransmits in the previous hop, which is further used to characterize the coverage performance of the network.The received power at a node becomes a doubly stochastic process owing to random path loss and a Rayleighfading channel. The notions of one-hop success probability and coverage range are analyzed for variousnetwork parameters. An algorithm for conserving energy is also proposed by considering PPP thinning andits performance in term...